Saturday 13 August 2011

Recipe #28: Petai & bacon omelette in chapati rolls

  • Petai (stink bean)
  • Bacon
  • Egg
  • Milk
  • White onion
  • Garlic
  • Shiitake mushroom
  • Chili paste
  • Sea-salt
  • Par-baked chapati
  • Olive oil

In a fry-pan, toss sliced bacon with chopped onions and garlic. Stir-fry in olive oil until they begin to brown. Then add petai with chili paste and continue to fry.
Whisk eggs with a dash of milk and pour over contents of fry-pan. Turn down heat and allow omelette to slowly cook. Add sea-salt to taste.
As omelette is cooking, heat grilling pan. When ready, place chapatti flat and allow to grill. Repeat depending on number of slices of chapati required.
As chapati bread browns, break omelette into slices and place over half of surface area of chapatti. Quickly roll uncovered half over other half then gently press ends together. As egg cooks it should seal ends so you'll be able to turn over the roll and evenly brown all sides.

To serve
Place rolls over fresh lettuce or simply serve on dish, topped with surplus petai and bacon.

Complement with a refreshing light white, such as a Frascati served chilled.
